

Orchestration is a tool for a campaign manager to build up a series of messages that cover several weeks to drive engagement or revenue.

As one of the two designers in this project, my role was to open the flexibility by unlocking the functions like copy & paste flow and join path when creating orchestration.

My main goal is to make the creation process more smoother, and user-friendly.




The Challenge

Why marketers need the Orchestration?


Current Solution

In the current Orchestration, we found out

  • If users wanted to create the same object(touchpoint, logic split or percentage split), they needed to create it from scratch

  • Users needed to create same path over and over again, which made the orchestration hard to track and hard to read

Old Experience Feature

Old Experience Feature


User Flow

Having those information, I then worked with PM to discuss about the scope and some of the constraints.

In this project, I was mainly focus on the copy/paste and join path.

Through the decision, I’ve learned that not every object could be copy and paste, we could only copy and paste logic and touchpoint.

For the join path, we could only join the branch and the path after the current one. We couldn’t join the previous path in the same branch.

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Copy & Paste Card

Solution 1

The first idea was when a user orchestration the flow, they have the ability to select Choose From Existing option in the menu. Then, they can choose the card they want to copy.

The feedback was most of the users stuck on the first step. It took time for them to figure out what’s the next step.

Also, another feedback was it took 5 steps to complete the job, what if I want to paste the card in five different places?

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Copy&paste Solution 1

Copy&paste Solution 1


Usability Testing and Findings

Based on feedback, it made me rethink about how typical copy and paste work. I realized that usually we copy the item first and we find the place we want to paste. Then, paste it.

In the previous design, it worked a little backward, so that users were confused about what to do next.

Other platforms handle copy & paste

Other platforms handle copy & paste


Solution 2

The second idea is having a copy icon on the card, which is easy to find. After they copy it, then the user can paste it anywhere multiple times.

Copy&paste Solution 2

Copy&paste Solution 2

Copy & paste in Orchestration

Copy & paste in Orchestration

Copy&paste v2

Copy&paste v2


Join Path

Solution 1

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Solution 2

In the 2nd version, the idea was to have an edit mode, when a user choose join path in the menu.

In the edit mode, the UI will highlight the nodes that can be joined and other things will be gray out. The main reason was it became more clear about where you can join.

secondly, once a path joined, the UI will show a orange icon with the number of join path. When a user hovers on the join points, the path will highlight as well.

Below are an animation example about creating an orchestration with a join path.

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After we launched the new Orchestration, the results come pretty good. We’ve got a lot of position feedbacks from our customers.
